Thursday, July 13, 2006


Just the other day, I was wondering how I ended up with a million zits, extra weight, and tears streaming down my face; This was not how I pictured this summer.

The process of setting up this blog, buoyed me from depression; Even tweaking a template requires determination. And then I realized I can still stretch myself a little bit more, to pull it together. So now I'm bent on checking off -- as much as possible -- my to-do list.

In order to achieve this, I need to somehow make peace with a lot of shit -- including my dysfunctional family -- or let it go. I write these things to keep myself accountable; I need a reminder every time I run into an obstacle -- my family -- and eventually break down: lamenting how I'm such a pawn to those users (especially my mother) and feeling suicidal because I'm just another extra pawn in this hellhole we call earth.

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