Friday, October 13, 2006

money going down the drain

With all the money I've had to shell out to Uncle Sam, I'm starting to wonder if God wants me to be poor; not that I have exhausted all options but it's an uphill battle if your parents don't root for ya mentally or are unable to monetarily -- let's be honest; education is an expensive purchase and it's not necessarily an investment with great returns.

Living in a sea of financial uncertainty, every time I see a bum in the city I am reminded that I'm fortunate to have a roof over my head.

I know I have no one to blame but myself for buying into the false idea that money doesn't matter; there's no point of loathing the church. Maybe if I was more desperate, I would be in a better place than I am today.

I just wish I was born into money or have some sort of talent like no other. Being mediocre blows.

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