Friday, July 20, 2007

i can't believe she's a doctor

Chris Wragge: They can declare the air safe but as people, still little hesitant about walking around without those masks, I mean do you recommend keeping the masks on anyway even though they've given the go-ahead?

Dr. Stupid Phillips: Well, they certainly don't harm anything. And it's always better to be safe than sorry. Also, just because asbestos is in the air, that doesn't mean just regular dump and soot that could have been released in the blast couldn't cause people some difficulties.

Kristine Johnson: Not a bad idea just to wear one then.

Yes, Phillips would certainly wear one. But she just won't tell you that. I swear, she looks and talks like a governmental robot.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

no more crappy b-days

Next year, be anywhere but home. Remember, they'll try to coerce you into eating food you don't even crave for; they'll assume they know everything about you. They won't even bother to ask you what it is you want to do on your own birthday; they're insane like that. They won't allow you to enjoy that one day of the year because your birthday is just an excuse to get what they want. Next year, you're gonna be eating a pretty cake like shown here and drinking great beer. 30 crappy birthdays is enough.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

you disappoint me, fast-poo

You're getting smaller, saltier, and more expensive. For example, there's nothing big about a Big Mac. What's up with that? I remember a time when finishing half of a Big Mac was a great feat for me and the damn sandwich lived up to its given name. Now, with a fat and calorie-conscious country, not only do you get less for what you pay for, everything's so damn expensive. Ya see, those idiots at corporate realized that the only way they can make their products socially responsible is to reduce the size; voila, you've got nutritional calories that won't instigate lawsuits from fat people who wanna blame everyone but themselves for their obesity. Now, thankfully the dollar or 99-cent menu is available. A $1.49 Junior cheeseburger deluxe at Wendy's is more affordable than your usual fastfood joint but you can't keep eating those forever.

Monday, June 11, 2007

i want a gay BFF so I can cry on his shoulder...

When you do busy work, say dish washing, thoughts dawn on you: I think it's sad that I haven't met anyone who loved me, not just parts of me. It's even sadder when you're turning 30. I've spent all this time on this planet and I've got nothing to show for. I'm not asking for a marriage; just a great relationship, that great love. Just so in love, truly, deeply, madly...

Anything that resembled a little bit of that was probably in high school. It was hard to articulate the feelings but what else can motivate a guy to write so many pages of lovely letters, and a girl to talk to him on the phone forever? It was pure and innocent; and it will never ever be like that again. You'd be doing yourself a favor by telling him, "I don't believe you." Cuz there's no reason to trust him -- at all. Nobody tied you to him, you tied yourself to him, girlie. You tied yourself to guys who just didn't love you.

So 20 more years until I croak. Let's just throw myself at building me a sand castle. Shall we?

Monday, May 28, 2007

the real price for stuff

I think Mum would rather keep buying me stuff than divorce the bastard. And I can't even reject the stuff; it's thrown at me. After that, I'm expected to perform the duty whether I like it or not. I have no say in the matter and I must comply; otherwise, they will remind me of the stuff I never asked for. It all comes back to the stuff.

the blair decade

Have you seen it? Such pieces motivate me to read; to do my own investigating.

The final remark touched a nerve: Blair had the capacity to become a great prime minister but he fell "quite short of it." Like Blair, we overestimate our strengths and are unconsciously blind to our weaknesses; that's normal and we will all fall short. But what I see is not so much the exposed failure but the new bar. Blair may have not lived up to his full potential but he definitely raised expectations. As a prime minister, he took advantage of his relatively smaller footprint and fully pushed the envelope. I think that's what I'd like to achieve as well, challenging myself to produce. Accomplishments are beyond no doubt, great. However, the significance of these very things are that they erect milestones and elevate standards. Sometimes it doesn't take much to become the rising star but when you're in, be fabulous!