Sunday, December 10, 2006


Galactica: Deck

Starbuck: No. I don't think you're a traitor. You're a smart young woman, that's what the old man said. [Kat swallows.] You're just not smart enough to accept who you are. [Kat whimpers.] You see, you lied your way into the company of good people.
Kat begins to weep: Starbuck, don't tell the admiral. Please. Please don't, or I --
Starbuck: Or what?
Kat: Starbuck, please just let me tell him myself. Please just let me. Can you do that?
(Long pause.)
Starbuck, disgusted: Gods.
(Kat sobs as Starbuck leaves her, alone.)

Galactica: Corridor

(Kat approaches Enzo with Starbuck still echoing in her ears: "Accept who you are.")
Enzo touches Kat: Yeah. Remember me?
Kat: Yeah. Yeah, I remember you. Thieving bastard. You'll ruin everything I got. Come here.
(They have sex.)

(Flashback and forward: Kat touches her Raptor, opening Helo's locker, trading out rad badges to keep him grounded, joins the next trip out. Military drums. She climbs o­nto her wing with a rad badge in hand.)

Galactica: Sickbay

(Kat's in bed, dying. Kara stands over her.)
Starbuck: They said you wanted to see me.
Kat: Yeah. …I don't think we should end the way we ended.
Starbuck: Listen, um... everybody's... everybody is stuck with the things that they're not proud of. That, uh...that thing about good people, I… Um, I didn't mean that.
Kat: Yeah, I know.
Starbuck, taking out a small bottle: Here. Take these. Sleeping pills. [Kat looks at her.] Sadly: Enough. So, um, take 'em if you want.
Kat: Thank you.

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