Tuesday, December 26, 2006

the christmas miracle

I know Jesus is real because something happened on Xmas night; never occurs on any day of the year.

We were pulled together as a family; gathered together for a family meeting about overcoming a common obstacle -- the damn super. By then, everyone had it with the pesky, troublesome, and unscrupulous rat whose extortion attempts were getting out of control.

I think God stirred something in that bastard's heart to pound on our door in the middle of the night -- on the Eve. I think God wanted our family to somehow remain intact and functional through some sort of adversity.

But Lord, I don't know if it'll work. As you know, nothing lasts on this planet and human love is no exception. But it was nice; for a fleeting moment that I will never forget and maybe that's what you wanted to do -- to give us a glimpse of what you really had in mind when it comes to family.

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