Monday, August 14, 2006

EP reality

I feel like my life resembles BB -- a reality game extraordinaire. But there's no prize at the end of this game and I'm stuck with these housemates until I can become independent. So, alliances sometimes must be made...

The bitch is a light sleeper. She thinks I drive her insane but the truth is the opposite; I hate her breathing down on me and making me feel like I'm abnormal. Sometimes I think she's so bent on achieving this ideal life shown in Korean soaps that she becomes delusional. Did I mention that I hate my life?

Anyway, back to alliances: When I first got here, I was glad that my biological father was around to tame the crazy spending of this woman. But, forming an alliance with a crazy person was a bad idea. The other offspring held a grudge extraordinaire and I the unsuspecting victim made the mistake of taking chance on him. The last resort would be the youngest offspring but he's too optimistic and attached to his parents. So I'm alone and every day I must fend off these crazies -- no offense, Jae. I've put my foot in the mouth a zillion times so hopefully I've learned from all my stupid mistakes. Hopefully.

Ya know, I try so hard to not feel depressed or cry; but it's so cold when you feel like you're so alone.

I wonder if there's any examples of cynicism in The Book. But maybe people were too busy trying to ensure their survival. But in surviving, isn't cynicism the key?

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