Tuesday, August 08, 2006

rankism saved my life

Forget "mum"; "rankism" is the word! Certainly, coming up with a name doesn't lead to salvation. However, there is power in finally articulating what I thought that only affected me; realizing that I'm not the only one who feels that it doesn't neatly fit into sexism or racism; and that feeling your dignity is being stripped away is no exaggeration.

I feel liberated! I no longer feel confused about my feelings; I now know that I am not overreacting to oppression, and I can call it when I see it! Validation is a powerful, powerful, and powerful thing; I am hopeful -- not because I have rose-colored glasses; but because unlike before, this seems somewhat manageable. I feel that there is room for improvement; still a chance for things to get better for me. Though this may sound trite, I want to live life to its fullest. Ya hear that, world? I wanna live!

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