Sunday, September 03, 2006


I'm not exactly sure when I'll see Haepee again. But I'd like to conclude the recent episode. In a way, the three of us sitting at the sushi bar was a nice way to avoid looking into each other's eyes; it was a nice way to evade seeing the fragile ties for what it truly is. I'm afraid the next time we meet, I'll be less kind because every time we do, my resentment grows instead. The fact that I can no longer dote her doesn't make me feel good about myself; I really don't want to be the jealous type. But people just take, take, and take; they love me when I play the doormat.

It doesn't help that the weather has become suitable for sweaters; I'm starting to feel lonely. And when fall makes her entrance, I take a trip down memory lane, evoking that postcard from him that is no more. It's odd that his name can mean "standard." In a way, he was the prototype.

Well, the reunion served to underscore our insignificance 10 years ago, when I arrived at that village with hopes and dreams, and that we are not extraordinary. So, this recent meeting was far from being great -- it did not evoke monumental positive energy or cement our relationships tighter. Although I wish to hear their opinions, they're not here. And so, I'm the only one talking.

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