Saturday, September 09, 2006

so strange and creepy

The other day I had this sort of deja vu moment, except that this time, I'm pretty darn positive that it didn't happen in my dreams first: I'm opening the hatchback and it occurred to me that I visioned this moment where I would touch the handle and remember an old lady's face and a mixed-grain rice package.

It's just so weird and disturbing that sometimes I wonder why I have these moments, and usually they're not good things. For example, I saw Dodook and Ramen in my dreams, on top of me, just about to enter me. I even saw my unhappy self working at the Rocawear-wannabe company.

I once told Ali of my deja vus and she just looked at me funny.

I'm not making these up but if it's a gift, it's kind of a useless one if ya ask me. What's the point of seeing (bad) things in the future, when it'll happen anyway despite all your precautions?

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